Ravebo Scrubbers

Fully tailored scrubbers

Fully tailored scrubbers

One of the essential principles of the European regulations is the balance between protecting and using the physical living environment. Especially in the chemical and food industry, there is often a certain odor nuisance to a greater or lesser extent. Our scrubber systems reduce odors and emissions and ensure you comply with European regulations.

The impact of the European regulations on reducing odor emissions or (dust) particles in the chemical and food industry is massive. In our whitepaper, we provide you with a clear overview of our scrubbers and tell you how to comply with regulations. Ravebo assists you in finding a customized solution for air pollution that will help you achieve the criteria.

In our whitepaper, you will learn everything you need to know about scrubbers and solutions for air pollution. We will deep-dive into the following subjects:

  • European regulations
  • Emission control system
  • Reduce odors nuance
  • Customized solutions for air pollution

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‘Fully tailored scrubbers’

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